
Acta Neuropathologica︱阿尔兹海默症和其他常见大脑衰老病变中,性别差异的神经病理学机制的阐明

LTNeurosci 逻辑神经科学 2019-06-30



在众多AD风险因子中,年龄和载脂蛋白E ε4(APOE ε4)是被公认的两类风险因子。然而,这两种风险因子与AD患者性别差异之间的潜在关系尚不清楚。

之前,在由Nelson PT等人完成一项临床病理研究报告中指出:若死亡年龄为80岁以下,则男性和女性患AD的几率几乎没有差别,但是80岁以上的女性患AD的几率明显要比同年龄的男性高【7】。在另一项研究报告中,Kovacs GG等人研究发现:在75岁以上的患者中具有明显的AD病理学特征【8】

此外,诸多临床研究阐明:女性APOE ε4基因携带者患有AD的风险要高于男性携带者【9】。尸检报告也显示,女性AD患者具有更多的老年斑,且更容易携带APOE ε4易感基因【10】。Ghebremedhin E等人揭示出:对于APOE ε4基因与神经原纤维缠结的相互关系,男性AD患者要弱于女性患者,但是对于APOE ε4基因与老年斑之间的关联性,男女AD患者都很显著【11】


2018年10月17日, 发表在领域权威期刊Acta Neuropathologica(IF=15.872)上的一篇前沿性文章中,Shahram Oveisgharan等人阐明了在AD和其他常见大脑衰老病变中,性别差异的神经病理学足迹的相关机制【12】。该项研究由(美国)拉什大学医学中心和(巴西)圣保罗大学医学院的联合团队共同完成。文章标题为Sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease and common neuropathologies of aging

在这篇研究中,首先,研究者们收集并集中分析了1453个人的尸检数据,包括:AD病理学、皮层路易氏小体、DNA结合蛋白43 (TDP-43)、海马硬化、严重和微小梗死、动脉粥样硬化、小动脉硬化、以及脑淀粉样血管病变(Table1) (Fig. 1)

Table 1  Demographic, clinical, and neuropathological characteristics of participants

Fig. 1  Levels of AD pathological indices among women and men, controlled for age at death and education. Levels of the amyloid and tangles pathologies were measured by using immunohistochemistry with the monoclonal antibodies against phosphorylated tau (AT8, Innogenetics, Alpharetta GA, 1:1000) and amyloid-β (MO0972 DAKO, 1:100). The global AD pathology is a composite measure derived from the 3 AD pathologic counts in the Bielschowsky silver stain sections: neuritic plaques, diffuse plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles

然后,Shahram Oveisgharan等人应用线性回归和逻辑回归策略,分析了性别与每个病理学数据之间的联系。结果表明:女性平均死亡年龄(mean age at death )为89.8岁(标准差/SD = 6.6岁),而男性平均死亡年龄为87.3岁(SD = 6.6岁)(Fig 1)

Table 2  APOE ε4 and age at death in the association of sex with Alzheimer’s disease pathologies

Table 3  Categroical age at death in the association of sex with the global Alzheimer’s disease pathologic score

接下来,当控制年龄差异和受教育程度两种变量时,整体结果表明:女性患者在各类AD病理学测量数据水平上皆明显高于男性(对应评估值= 0.102,标准误= 0.022,p < 0.001)特别地,对于tau蛋白纠缠密度,则有:对应评估值= 0.334,标准误= 0.074,p < 0.001;而对于β-淀粉样蛋白的负载量,则有:具有明显的性别差异性(对于评估值= 0.124,标准误= 0.065,p = 0.056)(Table 2-4)

Table 4 Effect of type and age of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on the association of sex with AD pathological indices

此外,与男性相比,女性则更加有可能患有严重的小动脉硬化(优势比/OR= 1.28,95%置信区间/CI:1.04-1.58,p = 0.018),然而,女性患有严重梗死的可能性却比较低(OR = 0.78,95% CI:0.61-0.98,p = 0.037)(注:在病例-对照研究中,优势比/OR指:病例组暴露人数与非暴露族人数的比值(a/b)除以对照组暴露人数与非暴露人数的比值(c/d),即ad/bc)(Table 5-6)

Tables 5  Association of non-AD dementia-related common brain pathologies with sex

Tables 6  Association of sex with arteriolosclerosis and gross infarcts in the presence of vascular risk factors and their duration, and vascular diseases




【1】Alzheimer's & Dementia︱首次!两篇论文系统阐明肠道微生物代谢产物胆汁酸与阿尔兹海默症标记物之间的关系


【3】Alzheimer’s & Dementia综述︱阿尔兹海默病(AD)中焦虑症状的生物标志物

【4】Alzheimer`s & Dementia: 前沿! 理论完善: 低水平补体C3是阿尔兹海默症(AD)的一个高风险因



【1】Association Alzheimer’s (2016) 2016 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimers Dement 12:459–509.

【2】Plassman BL, Langa KM, et al. (2011) Incidence of dementia and cognitive impairment, not dementia in the United States. Ann Neurol 70:418–426.

【3】Edland SD, Rocca WA, et al. (2002) Dementia and Alzheimer disease incidence rates do not vary by sex in Rochester, Minn. Arch Neurology 59:1589–1593.

【4】Miech RA, Breitner JC, Zandi PP, Khachaturian AS, Anthony JC, Mayer L (2002) Incidence of AD may decline in the early 90 s for men, later for women: the Cache County study. Neurology 58:209–218.

【5】Jellinger KA, Attems J (2015) Challenges of multimorbidity of the aging brain: a critical update. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 122:505–521.

【6】Sandberg G, Stewart W, Smialek J, Troncoso JC (2001) The prevalence of the neuropathological lesions of Alzheimer’s disease is independent of race and gender. Neurobiol Aging 22:169–175.

【7】Nelson PT, Schmitt FA, et al (2010) Association between male gender and cortical Lewy body pathology in large autopsy series. J Neurol 257:1875–1881.

【8】Kovacs GG, Alafuzoff I,et al (2008) Mixed brain pathologies in dementia: the BrainNet Europe consortium experience. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 26:343–350.

【9】Farrer LA, Cupples LA, et al (1997) Effects of age, sex, and ethnicity on the association between apolipoprotein E genotype and Alzheimer disease. A meta-analysis. APOE and Alzheimer disease meta analysis consortium. JAMA 278:1349–1356.

【10】Corder EH, Ghebremedhin E, et al. (2004) The biphasic relationship between regional brain senile plaque and neurofibrillary tangle distributions: modification by age, sex, and APOE polymorphism. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1019:24–28.

【11】Ghebremedhin E, Schultz C, et al (2001) Gender and age modify the association between APOE and AD-related neuropathology. Neurology 56:1696–1701.

【12】Oveisgharan, S., et al. Acta Neuropathol (2018).  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00401-018-1920-1.

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